Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Welcome Back!

By Suraj Baadkar

One of the traditional kick start events of Schutz American school's academic year is its welcome back party hosted by the members of staff for the students. This year it was held on the 30th of August. The new staff members were excited to see the happenings of this event and the returning staff members were excited to meet their students after a great summer break.
But year after year the event is losing its importance. Every year the student count for this event is decreasing. This year figures of high school students attending the event were countable on fingers. More than 75% of the students that attended were in grades 5th through 8th though the event was successful and well organized. The pool was open for the whole evening, the table-tennis tables were set up, the volleyball nets were set up and there was also music in the second half of the event. The canteen provided refreshments and snacks. Overall I think the event has achieved its main motto of casual interaction between the staff and the students.
The 83rd staff interviewed some teachers and students who attended the event. The most common answer to the question "What do you think of hosting such an event?" was "The event is very creative as in terms of interaction between students and staff outside the class instruction area, but more students were expected to attend this event. Some of the best quotes of the evening were by by Mr. McCright who stated, "Finally, myself and Mr. Spencer realized today, due to this event, that we are getting old. We have the skills and techniques to play basketball but our body does not co-ordinate. Therefore we are mentally going strong but physically getting older."
Altogether it was a wonderful evening spent on campus amidst laughter, smiles on the faces and a cool breeze. This event has made the bond between students and teachers stronger. With an ending note on the event, the members of staff quoted, "Hope there will be more students next year and in the years to come, we are glad to host such events."

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