Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Roba's Diaries

Is it Worth Being in Love?

By Roba Mahfouz
Special to The 83rd

Is falling in love and having boyfriends really the same? If it is the same, does every couple really experience true love? How can you know that it is worth being with this guy? Nowadays, all I hear from couples about relationships are problems. From the repetition of these instances, it became very normal for guys and girls to break up and some see it as “being cool”. Some sensitive people can be affected by a relationship, and their academic performance decreases. They sometimes even get depressed.
One of the interesting problems I heard about was a girl that loved a guy from the first sight. He too had feelings for her, but he never showed it. They talked as friends, but he was treating her as if she was special. This made the girl understand that he loved her, and she became more attached to him. Day after day, the relationship began to grow, and she was completely attached to him. Then came a week when she traveled, and they did not talk at all. When she came back, he showed her how much he had missed her. After a few weeks, he completely turned 180 degrees and became another person. When she asked if he had loved her before, his answer was, “I have always treated you as my sister”.
It was a huge shock for her, and she became depressed. She realized that after all that she still loved him and still had some faith and hope that one day he would come to her and ask her out. So is it worth waiting for that guy? Can he really be trusted? Does love really make a person that blind?

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